Drawing: Cobra Drawing: Cobra

The City of Los Alamitos


I have deleted most of the information that I had found on Los Alamitos because their is an official website for The City of Los Alamitos

I've still kept some other tidbits of information that was not found in their official website. Their official website give a good description on the history of Los Alamitos.



Population 12,500
Median Income $45,171
Median home price $380,00.00
Average apartment rent $730.00
Housing units 7,392
Housing vacancy 6.06%
People per household 2.91 countywide
People under age 18 24%
Percent unmarried 37%
White 78%
Hispanic 13%
Asian 7%
Other 2%
Total 462
Total as a percent of county 0.06%
Total employed 9138
Employed as a percent of total county 0.08%
Top 5 private employers
Los Alamitos Medical Center 820
Trend Offset Printing 700
Arrowhead Products Co. 580
Kirkwood Dynalectric Co. 300
Alamitos West Convalescent Hospital 200

Other Items of Interest

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Updated: 26 February 2011 08 September 1998